Already at the age of 5 years, I wanted to see the world. At that time I had my 30x45x20cm red-checkered cardboard case covering “my” 5 essentials: my cuddly toy, a toothbrush, a rubber pad, a fresh set of underwear and my pyjamas…
A little bit has changed since then – electronic gadgets took over along with travel books, note-book & pen, my Pentax K10 and a second set of fresh underwear…. – BUT – one thing has not changed at all: my insatiable hunger to see the world and to explore ancient cultures, experience dying out ethnic groups, leave the main tourist paths, get in touch with local people and their kind of life, and to use my camera as an instrument to catch a moment, an atmosphere, a feeling.
The older I grew, the more my ways of travelling adapted to my needs and desires. While in my early years I have travelled with my blue rucksack and used local ways of transportation and (very!) cheap accommodations, I nowadays prefer mixing public transportation with travelling by hired car and driver, which allows me to stop wherever and whenever I want, to spontaneously alter the route, visit an on-going market, festival or ritual, fit in toilet-stops, have a tea and mingle with locals, and be able to capture „my“ moments in order to add them to my treasure box.
Eventually, travelling became my passion and kind of lifestyle.
So, in the run of the last decades I captured more than 100.000 photographs – some of them “not bad” ones, and I decided to show them on my portfolio, and maybe – someone is interested enough in buying the one or the other 😉 or, to follow my blogs.
Get inspired and feel free to browse and share!
Never Stop Being Curious

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